Before you read this post read the one below because I meant to post it last week I just never got the chance.
Today we spent the day in Yerevan meeting with two NGO’s and discussing ways that we as CHE trainees (Community Health Education) can better impact our communities. The first NGO was the Armenian Eye Care Project which brings ophthalmologists and a moving eye surgery truck all around the country providing life changing and sight saving surgeries. Our meeting was rapped up with a promotional video for the project which was a real tear jerker as these people shared their life changing stories. Our other NGO visit took us to Project NOVA which helps disseminate knowledge on safe pregnancy practices and helpful ways to bring a healthy baby to full term. We also got to visit the Peace Corps office in Yerevan. Other things happening this past week, of course it was the Forth of July on Saturday and as an annual tradition Peace Corps Armenia Trainee’s host a village celebration. As I said in an earlier post I got to be in charge, and my village mates, all seven of us did what I think was a pretty phenomenal job. One of our goals was to keep it strictly American style so we had a buffet style meal of cheeseburgers, hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, deviled eggs (I made them), potato salad, and chocolate chip cookies. It was all tasty especially considering they don’t sell the usual ingredients for many of these things. We also played games in the American style like a water balloon toss which we as trainees did with our host mothers, I accidentally popped a water balloon on my host mother, and kick ball which the kids did not get at all! Then yesterday we climbed the mountain behind our village to visit the old 11th century church. We had three native guides ( they were our age or younger and instead of water they brought beer) they led us up the mountainside which at times was a shear cliff side that we miraculously managed to scale, then finally we made it to the top. We got to light some candles in the old church and say a prayer before having a short sermon led by one of the other trainees. Then we were invited to eat some barbeque with these men already at the top, the barbeque was delicious and afterwards we found the actual trail and had a very leisurely stroll back to the village. Our journey ended with us getting soaked by the rain, but we had a great time regardless. On Thursday I’m going to visit my permanent site in Artik I’ll be back on Sunday with a good idea of what to expect for the next two years. Stay tuned for more news!
Love, Michael