So much to do and so much time to do it in.
Every week I feel like I’ve got more and more to do. A new person to meet with or a new place I have to be. It’s nice to be busy to an extent but its also nice to have some down time which I think I’m balancing pretty well. For the last few weekends I’ve been going to Yerevan for the day or the weekend. Its funny how metropolitan it seems there which it is but for all of the cities I’ve visited in the world it’s actually some what small (only about 1 million people). I don’t really like having to go so often but just about any business I have to take care of must be done by going to Yerevan.
Me and my buddy Danny are going to India in January so this weekend we finally got our plane tickets and our visa’s which was probably the easiest most relaxed bureaucratic process I’ve ever been through. We went into the Indian Embassy and the lady helping us said that we had come too early to apply, but because we came from so far away she let us apply anyways. Then we forgot to bring pictures so she called an embassy car to take us to a photo shop where we got pictures taken and then the photographer airbrushed us and took off any facial blemishes which I thought was hilarious and probably against the rules for a visa picture.
After that I had a meeting with UMCOR to see about securing some nutritious varieties of food for my school cafeteria. They were very helpful and nice, but when the meeting was over one of the ladies insisted on showing me her pictures from a recent trip to Jerusalem. They were nice pictures but a lot of them- at least I got a slice of birthday cake out of it.
This week we have a week of no school. So I’m using my vacation to watch the first season of West Wing which my new friend Ashley let me borrow. Ashley and I went to the same University, Baylor, and she is in Armenia as a Fulbright Scholar. By the way I love West Wing and when I get home I want a fast paced, caffeine charged job in the west wing.
I’ve gotten a lot of letters in the mail over the last few weeks which I really like, so if you wrote one don’t worry I’ve got one for you in the mail and coming soon. It’s started to get chilly here again so I’ll be pulling out the long handles again soon.
Love, Me