This blog is not the content, belief, or opinion of the United States Peace Corps. It is the telling of one volunteers experience in Armenia and reflects no official idea of the Peace Corps.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Armenia being a poor country doesn’t just throw away what doesn’t work anymore. For example my host family has a space heater that was broken. It was old but that didn’t stop them from putting in a new electric cord and plug. Of course now it makes a terrible noise and shakes so much that I’m often afraid it’s going to knock the house down but a penny saved is a penny earned. I’ve put up some pictures of interesting things that have gotten a second use such as a bridge and storage room made out of an old bus spanning a river, a wall put together using the bodies of old cars, a gate that was once a car door, a mattress bed frame combo gate and an old truck with a missing panel replaced by an old coke machine front. Every day I see old things being put to new use. From radiators used as fences to railroad cars as room extensions my neighbors have a knack for using the old as new.